1. Arithmetic Series
2. Geometric Series
3. Finite Series
Gregory-Leibniz Series (aka Madhava Series)
4. Infinite Series
5. Properties of Convergent Series
Mathematicians are more interesed in convergent series than divergent series.
6. Convergence Tests
7. Alternating Series
8. Power Series
9. Differentation and Integration of Power Series
10. Taylor and Maclaurian Series
Taylor Series
Maclaurin Series
11. Power Series Expansions for Some Functions
12. Binomial Series
13. Fourier Series
The Fourier expansion for a square wave canbe written as
The higher partial sums overshoot near the points of discontinuity 𝜃 = 0, 𝜋, 2𝜋, This is known as Gibbs phenomenon
Unification of Algebra and Geometry - Eulers Formula
Euler derived hundreds of formulas, but this one is often called the most famous formula of all formulas. Feynman called it the amazing jewel.
if θ = 𝜋